Welding in the pipe yard



We can supply pipe for your next sign project


We can supply you with any size of pipe.



Welcome to our website.

RKW PIPE  is a family owned and operated steel company and wholesale distributor of steel materials. Our experience totals over 30 years,  is consistent with not only the unparalleled customer service, honesty, determination and hard work of yester year; but also the modern techniques of today’s service industry, the competitive drive for new levels of success, and the quest to constantly accumulate knowledge and experience to assist in safe and thorough completion of any project, no matter the specifications.


    If you are a farmer, rancher, end user, or broker in search of high quality tubular products at a fraction of mill prices then you are in the right place! 


RKW offers a variety tubular products used for agricultural construction such as pens, fences, and barns; general construction such as road boring, road crossing, billboard post, sign post, slurry line, water well casing, and all areas of pipe used for piling applications; oil field applications such as rat hole, mouse hole, low pressure line material, and down hole casing. We also accept inquires for all steel products such as API pipe, New line Pipe, rebar, angle iron, channel iron, etc. RKW also stocks a lot of surplus pipe used for BBQ pits. 


 RKW also offers many services such as cutting to length, welding, beveling, loading, painting and delivering of all your steel needs.



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